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DVD Advanced Ultimate Sniper *en inglés*
DVD Advanced Ultimate Sniper (en inglés)
-Duración aproximada: 120 minutos.
With Maj. John L. Plaster, USAR. Produced in cooperation with the prestigious Gunsite Training center.
State-of-the-Art Tactics, Techniques, and Equipment for Military and Police Snipers.
Premier sniping authority John Plaste redefines "ultimate" in this long-awaited sequel to his landmark book and video The Ultimate Sniper. Beginning at the prestigious Gunsite Training Center, Plaster first gives you an inside look at the state of the art in snipeing equipment with grapfhic demonstrations of laser range finders, suppressed weapons, ultralong-range .50-caliber sniper rifles, and the latest generations of night vision technology. He then takes you to the rugged Rocky Mountains and the tundra of the frozen north for advanced lessons in sniper tactics and field-craft, including never-before-seen instruction in the techniques of winter sniping and cold-weather warfare. This is a graduate course in sniper warfare and must-viewing for every serious student of the sniper´s craft.
For information purposes only.
*Los libros de texto y manuales no admiten cambios o devoluciones.